"Movement is life" - moshe feldenkrais

Hello and welcome!
This magnificent process we call life is a miraculous thing. And movement is more than just a fundamental part of this, it’s inseparable from it.
Physicists tell us that on a microscopic level, every atom is continuously vibrating. On an unthinkably huge, cosmic level the entire universe is continuously expanding.
Within the body, every thought, every sensation and every emotion involves motion. Emotions and thoughts trigger subtle shifts in our breathing, our facial expressions, the movement of our eyes, most of which go undetected by our conscious awareness.
Expanding our awareness of our bodily movements, thoughts and feelings gives us greater access to our inner world. While everything outside and inside of our bodies is in a state of perpetual flux, the one constant is awareness itself.
The Feldenkrais journey is not simply about improving our posture or easing pain and tension. It’s an invitation to become more conscious of the very essence of life – Awareness itself.
Welcome to Awareness through Movement!
I know you will make some amazing discoveries along the way. Giving your ‘inner world’ the attention it deserves is deeply rewarding, reassuring and grounding. The opportunity to learn from your own experience is limitless, as we explore movement together in this beautifully simple yet profoundly life-changing way.

Flexible Bodies

Flexible Habits

Flexible Minds
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It's only a habit and a habit can be changed
Every day is an opportunity to start again

What are you working towards?
- Confidence in Your Body
- Ease, Joy and Balance in your Life
- Life Long Learning
- Flexibility to Adapt to Change
- Simply Being Present
Our Feldenkrais Stories
How has Feldenkrais has changed your life?
With relaxed attention focus on the quality of our movements, updating habits which are no longer helpful.
"We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence then is not an act but a habit" Aristotle
The only impossible journey is the one you never start